Submitted by Eyerusalem on Fri, 2023-03-10 10:09
Bid Closing Date:
April 9, 2023
Bid Opening Date:
April 9, 2023
Posted On:
March 10, 2023
+251 57 775 0839
Lots For Works In Local Open Tender Procedures
Reference: RHB SDH/CON/LOT/2023/01
The BenishangulGumuz Regional Health Bureau intends to award a work contract for;
- (A1.4) Improve maternal and child health services.
- A1.15) Construct wards for children under five, emergency outpatient diseases (OPD), and MCH and delivery rooms (Main activity 2).
- (A2.2) Increase the number of health facilities (HF's) (health centers and hospitals) with stabilization centers
- (SCS) providing essential community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)
- a3.5 Improvement WASH facilities for 7 office blocks of the regional Health Bureau RHB
- A3.6) Construct ventilated pit latrines (VIPLs) to improve health facilities.
- A3.7) Facilitate solid waste management in health facilities.
- A3.8) Facilitate the management of non-combustible solid wastes in the health facilities
- A4.11) Construct One-Stop Centres (OSCs) for GBV as detailed in the table below (Table-1) in four woredas namely, AbramoPawe, Mengeand Oura with financial assistance from the European Development Fund (EDF).
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